The Quest for Otherness. Uncovering Narratives of Religious Distinction in the 'Long Tenth Century (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2020-24)
Re-evaluating female monasticism’s “ambiguous identity” in the ninth- to eleventh-century West (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2015-19)
The Peace as an Instrument of Social Competition: Towards a Non-Homeostatic Interpretation of Political Relations in the Central Middle Ages (Western Europe, late tenth-early twelfth centuries) (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2013-17)
Ritual scripting as work in progress: codifying rituals of conflict and reconciliation in the Medieval West (tenth-twelfth centuries) (BOF-research project, Ghent University 2013-15)
Monastic leadership in the post-charismatic age: constructing a new paradigm for the study of reforms before the emergence of the great Orders (
Monastic leadership as post-charismatic ‘routinisation’? An enquiry into the impact of second-generation reformers on the development of medieval monastic communities (Western Europe, tenth-early twelfth century) (BOF-research project, Ghent University 2010-14)
Oral communication and the consolidation of the unwritten past in medieval monastic communities. An inquiry into the meaning and the use of the spoken word in a literate context (10th-late 12th centuries) (BOF-Research project, Ghent University, 2005-10)