

Research projects

  1. The Quest for Otherness. Uncovering Narratives of Religious Distinction in the 'Long Tenth Century  (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2020-24)

  2. Re-evaluating female monasticism’s “ambiguous identity” in the ninth- to eleventh-century West (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2015-19)

  3. The Peace as an Instrument of Social Competition: Towards a Non-Homeostatic Interpretation of Political Relations in the Central Middle Ages (Western Europe, late tenth-early twelfth centuries) (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2013-17)

  4. Ritual scripting as work in progress: codifying rituals of conflict and reconciliation in the Medieval West (tenth-twelfth centuries) (BOF-research project, Ghent University 2013-15)

  5. Monastic leadership in the post-charismatic age: constructing a new paradigm for the study of reforms before the emergence of the great Orders (Western Europe, tenth-early twelfth centuries) (FWO-research project, Research Foundation-Flanders 2011-14)

  6. Monastic leadership as post-charismatic ‘routinisation’? An enquiry into the impact of second-generation reformers on the development of medieval monastic communities (Western Europe, tenth-early twelfth century) (BOF-research project, Ghent University 2010-14)

  7. Oral communication and the consolidation of the unwritten past in medieval monastic communities. An inquiry into the meaning and the use of the spoken word in a literate context (10th-late 12th centuries) (BOF-Research project, Ghent University, 2005-10)

Research networks and consortia

  1.  Rethinking Reform 900-1150 (Leverhulme International Network, Ghent-Leeds-Leuven-Paris-Mainz-York, 2016-20)
  2. Henri Pirenne Consortium for Medieval Studies (Research consortium, Ghent, 2013-18, 2018-23)
  3. Conventus. Problems of religious communal life in the High Middle Ages (FWO-Research community,  Ghent-Bloomington-Tilburg-Lille-Strasbourg-Leuven, 2009-14) 

      Postdoctoral projects

      1. Micol Long, Learning as shared practice. Towards a new understanding of education in monastic communities of the High Middle Ages (FWO-postdoctoral fellowship 2014-17)
      2. Tjamke Snijders, Black as they were painted. Benedictine communicative strategies in an era of change (1150-1300, Southern Low Countries). (FWO-postdoctoral fellowship 2013017)
      3. Ben Pohl, Early norman monasticism in a European context c. 911-1035: Monastic Identity Formation and cross-cultural exchange in an age of reform (FWO/Humboldt-postdoctoral fellowship 2015)

      Doctoral projects

      1. Gerben Verbrugghe, Little Flanders beyond Wales. A landscape archaeological contribution to the discussion of Flemish influence on settlement landscapes in the British Isles. (BOF-Research fellowship, Ghent University 2016-20. Advisor: Wim Declercq, co-advisor: Steven Vanderputten)
      2. Jirki Thibaut, Rectamque regulam servare. De ambigue observantie en heterogene identiteit van vrouwengemeenschappen in Saksen, ca. 800-1050 (FWO-project collaborator, 2015-20).
      3. Johan Belaen, The reluctant order: a bottom-up approach to the shaping of supra-institutional structures in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Benedictine monasticism (FWO-research fellowship, 2016-20, ongoing
      4. Pieter Byttebier, The Performative construction of episcopal authority in eleventh-century Lotharingia: towards an integrated analysis of speech acts, ritual behaviour and spatial representation (FWO-research fellowship, 2013-)Sam Janssens (FWO-project collaborator, 2013-2017)
      5. Julia Exarchos, (Ritual scripting and ritual practice in the Central Medieval West) (BOF-project collaborator, 2013-2015, BOF-predoctoral researcher, 2015-16)
      6. Pieter Byttebier, The Performative construction of episcopal authority in eleventh-century Lotharingia: towards an integrated analysis of speech acts, ritual behaviour and spatial representation (FWO-research fellowship, 2013-)
      7. Sam Janssens (FWO-project collaborator, 2013-2017)
      8. Koen Vanheule, De demystificatie van een hervormingsfenomeen: Een speurtocht naar de wereld achter de maskers van Poppo van Stavelot (978-1048) en zijn invloed in monastieke instellingen in Lotharingen, Vlaanderen en daarbuiten (FWO-project collaborator, 2011-16).
      9. Helena Vanommeslaeghe, Qualis debeat esse abbas? De evolutie van abbatiale (zelf-)representaties in Vlaanderen en Lotharingen (ca. 919-1125) (BOF-project collaborator, 2010-17).
      10. Nicolas Ruffini, Église et aristocratie dans le diocèse de Cambrai (Xe-XIIe siècles). Pour une relecture des cadres sociopolitiques du Moyen Âge central (University of Namur, 2009-13). 
      11. Tjamke Snijders, Rewriting the saints. Hagiographical manuscripts and the shaping of monastic networks in the Southern Low Countries and Northern France, 900-1200 (BOF-project collaborator, Ghent University, 2005-9,)